
10 Reasons NOT to date a girl who teaches

this post entitled "10 Reasons You Should Marry a Teacher" has popped up in my Facebook news feed a few times this weekend. So I've decided to have a look at the opposite point of view. Here are my reasons not to date a girl who teaches (in no particular order)!

1. "Sunday Sads:" Anyone who knows a teacher, knows the pain of last-minute Sunday planning. She will question, "Why did I not start sooner?" Your job is to listen to her hysterical ranting and leave her to do her planning in peace!

2. Holidays galore: If you have a "normal" job then you'll have to put up with the other extreme of when she's on holidays, completely relaxed and you've still got to work. If she ever mentions not having enough time off, do not, I repeat, do NOT, under any circumstances mention the amount of holidays she has! It won't end well.continue reading below...

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